
Javascript vs Ruby

AJAX(Asynchronous Javascript And XML)

Til now, I have known the concept of ‘redirecting to’ a different web page. I have seen the ‘redirecting to’ message while browsing pages. I have noticed being redirected to another page while navigating through a website. I understand that having too many ‘redirects’ can slow down the speed of the web application. However, I learned that there are tools to make this process more efficient and provide better user experience. That’s so called AJAX. With AJAX(which stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML), users do not have to refresh the page while navigating through the website. I think it’s a neat tool to use for developers as well as users. I guess there is an interesting and valid point about AJAX. I didn;t quite think about this but AJAX may run behind the scenes at a speed. However, if the server is slow and the internet connection is slow, then it may take a little longer for the server to come back with a response. I am so happy to know about tools like AJAX. I look forward to implementing it to my Rails-JS project.

Importance of Security

I am really enjoying my journey here at Flatiron. I would like to explore cybersecurity at some point. Security is certainly an important aspect of software engineering. I believe that it is essential for developers to implement security features to their apps. I think it’s also important for developers to try and make their apps more user friendly. As a user of an app, I would want to make sure that my information is protected, whether it be login credentials, or other personal data such as bank information….anything that is confidential information. There are certain techniques that are used to tighten security. Few of these methods include two factor authentication. I believe two factor authentication has been around for a while now. Two factor authentication requires users to provide information in addition to the login credentials. This additional information usually includes a code. Users usually receive this code via text or email. Users then enter this code into the app to gain access to it. Two factor authentication provides another level of security. In my opinion, this additional level of security is good to have. According to studies, attacks still take place even with implentation of two factor authentication. This is something for us, developers, to think about. Perhaps, it is difficult for us to prevent attacs 100%. I think it’s great that there methods such as two factor authentication exists. Technology has advanced over the years. I am sure it will continue to advance.

Approach to Debugging

Debugging can be a challenging as well as interesting for a developer. At least, thar’s what I experienced during my journey at Flatiron School. I feel that the first step is to think and approach a problem with a calm mind. I think a calm mind helps one to think better and have a clear mind during the problem solving process. I certainly came across error messages while building my Ruby on Rails project. I would read and try and understand the error message as the next step. One of the error messages I came across was “First argument in form cannot contain nil or be empty.” I think it’s important to read other details on the error page. The beauty is that the error page will also have some info as to where the error is within the code.

Transition Into Software Engineering

As a school going child, my interests were primarly in the arts and languages. I pursued my undergrad degree in Sociology at New York University. However, I have always enjoyed working on logical puzzles. I have also always dreamt of being an inventor of some sort. and making a positive impact on the world. Some of those who inspired me are Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos and Larry Page. All these have changed the world of technology and have had a very positive impact on our lives. Social media apps such as Facebook, have allowed many to bring back old memories by reconnect with old friends. Search engines such as Google and Yahoo are so powerful. My dad comes from a programming background as well. He told me stories of how he would struggle to get solutions to problems. Back in the day, he would go to a libary to pick up books on programming. Now, websites like Stack OverFlow give us instant answers to our questions. That’s the greatness of search engines. Though these have been around for a while now, I recently realized how powerful technology has become. It’s not so much about becoming famous. I think more than that, I would like to have or achieve the same kind of impact one day.